Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Phase Two

The first phase of our project is complete and our senior project is over, but the project isn't over (as Will mentioned recently)- we aren't done experimenting with mobile tools and we love sharing what we have learned.

Now, the a new group of capstone students will be experimenting with mobile tools. Their goal is to explore further with Android applications, and hopefully tablets. Drew, Amanda and myself wanted to try out these tools, but weren't able to due to time constraints. The new group will also use these tools for reporting for the various newsrooms of Columbia - our original intention.

What is in store for us, you might ask? Drew has graduated and is interning/working at the Journalism Study Abroad office and working before he moves to New Zealand in the summer. Amanda and I will be working as consultants for the Missourian and Vox, the newspaper and magazine affiliated with Mizzou. In addition to assisting the Missourian, we will be giving a lecture for the new multimedia reporting class, J2150, on how to effectively use these tools. We are also working with Mike McKean to recommend purchasing some of this equipment for the various sequences and newsrooms for a more permanent basis.

Check back for details on our consulting experience..
Click here to download the 2010 Mobile Tools Guide (Google Doc).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

The mobile journalism tools guide continues!

For those of you wondering, the Mobile Journalism Tools guide is going to continue with a new group of students and focusing more on Android and tablet tools (as well as adding updates to the current reviews).

You can follow along on the Mobile Journalism Tools Guide and the RJI Mobile Blog.

Also, if you see tools you'd like reviewed but don't have the resources to acquire (or if you want to know if they're worth it before the purchase) please shoot me a note at will @ and we'll do what we can to make it happen.